Alec Kriebel in December
Once Again, I'm doing well.
Hello, as you've already probably guessed, it's me, Alec, writing this from Irvine, CA. I've decided to go ahead and centralize what has been happening in my life to a [blog] post that will be released on the first of every month that details some key events of the previous month. I am starting this because I am now in college at the University of California, Irvine (UCI).
December 2014 -
UCI Quarter 1 -
The fall 2014 quarter at UCI has ended, and thus winter break has begun and 1/3 of my first year is over. I personally enjoyed my first quarter at UCI, and learned very much abou college lifestyle. In addition, I've of course passed all of my classes with A's and B's.
The winter quarter begins soon, and I will be taking one more class than last.
Break -
Break has been long awaited for me, and I'm very excited to be on it. It's not because I dislike basically any aspect of college, it is just during the academic quarter there is no break to your work. The punches keep rolling in and you have to either block or hit back. Its nice to be benched for some time before going back in the ring that is academia.
Multicopters -
Recently, I've taken up a hobby, and hopefully future business venture. This hobby would be drones, or more correctly identified as multicopters or quadcopters. Multicopters are small aerial vehicles powered by typically 3 or more electric motors with propellers on them. In essence, they are smaller, upgraded versions of helicopters.
I've ordered all the necessary parts to build a rather large one controlled by either a remote control or a computer. I'm very excited to get to utilize this technology and expect to see the maiden voyage of the Kriebel No. 1 (named after the Oehmichen No.1 & 2, which were the first multirotors to see flight above a few feet) in the coming months.
This Month's Playlist -
Until Next Month,
- Alec Kriebel
© 2013- Kriebel LLC.