November 2014 - Classes -
- ICS 31: This is an intro. to programming class, which is required for my major, Computer Science. The class introduces many of the key concepts that need to be known in order to program and teaches students how to program. Students of this class are not expected to know any programming experience. I've been making iPhone apps for so long that I thought I wouldn't benefit a whole lot from this class, however, I thought wrong. I'm finally getting a formal education in the matter, and while I know the core concepts and how to program, I'm learning the most from the software design aspect. Simply put, I knew how to code, now I am learning how to do it in a better, more standardized, and more organized format.
- Math 2A: This is simply Calculus. I've had calculus in high school, however, I feel as though I am learning a lot more in this college class. It is the most difficult class I am taking (even though I've had Calculus before), but math tends to be this way for everyone.
- ICS 3: This class is part of my general education requirements, and is titled "Internet Technology & Society." This class is not technical like my other classes, and is rather humanities focused. The class deeply examines how the internet is affecting society and how technology is shaping our future. Some of the main concepts are identity, networking, copyright, patents, but mainly how the internet is affecting society.
- ICS 90: This course is required for all freshman and transfer Computer Science majors. The course meets once a week and the grade is based off of attendance. During these once a week meetings, Computer Science professors speak to us about what they do and what their research is. This class is how I got on a research project.
- Hall Delegate: I'm living in the hall, "Whispering Wood," which is a part of the Middle Earth housing community on campus. As one of the delegates of the hall, I represent the hall at community council meetings, at which votes and events take place that change the whole housing community
- 3D Printing Club Fundraising Committee Member: 3D Printing is a very interesting thing. A 3D printer, like a normal printer, is able to print 3 dimensional objects from 3D models on a computer by melting plastic, and applying that melted plastic line by line from the ground up (much like how a hot glue gun melts glue). I am on the fundraising committee, which essentially focuses on gaining funds, but also marketing the club.
- Fashion Interest Group Photographer/Specical Events Co-Director: FIG, as its called, focuses on fashion, does multiple photoshoots and hosts fashion shows throughout the academic year. In desperate need of a photographer, I volunteered with only a Canon T1i, and very little sample photographs to show. I was also named Co-Director of special events because of my work in fundraising before.