- No company has a culture, every company is a culture
- Beyond Professionalism:
- Many think that working with people you hate is necessary for making money
- If you aren't making lasting relationships with your co-workers, you haven’t invested your time well
- People have to be excited to work with one another
- Recruiting Conspirators:
- A core skill every company needs
- Need skilled people who will fit nicely with the whole team
- Should be asking yourself: “Why does the company need this nth employee”
- Truly talented individuals don’t need to work for your company
- If they are actually talented, they'll have many options
- People that are hired should be very invested in your mission and not swayed by stock options or ridiculous perks (silicon valley is famous for these)
- Do One Thing:
- “On the inside, every individual should be sharply distinguished by her work”
- Thiel says: “The best thing I did as a manager at PayPal was to make every person in the company responsible for doing just one thing”
- People know they would be evaluated by only that one thing
- Reduces conflict as people aren’t fighting to do one thing
Zero to One (by Peter Thiel) Summary - Chapter 10
The following is a summary of Zero to One: Notes on Startups or How to Build the Future. I do not claim to own any of the book's original work, the following is simply a bulleted summarization with a few direct quotes. All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Chapter 10 -The Mechanics of Mafia:
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- Alec Kriebel